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Book Review

The Fairy-Tale Detectives  - Michael Buckley, Peter Ferguson

My Thoughts: This was an entertaining start to a series. Having many of your favorite fairy-tale characters stuck in one place as long as their is a Grimm living there has led to some interesting twists and turns that you might not expect.
My favorite characters were Grandma Grimm and Daphne. I loved all the quirks, like saying goodbye and hello to the house, that the grandma had and how willing Daphne was to accept it all in stride. On the other side of that is Sabrina. While I understand why she acts the way she does and it completely in character, I still found myself disliking her most of the time.
Overall, if you enjoy fairy-tale retellings this is a promising start to a series. With the girls learning to become Grimm detectives while trying to find out who has their parents alongside familiar characters in unexpected roles (three little pigs as local law enforcement) I'm looking forward to reading book 2.

Antigoddess review

Antigoddess - Kendare Blake

My Thoughts: This ended up being a really good read after how long it took me to get into it. I enjoyed the sections that focused on the gods right from the start. A really rough Athena and Hermes trying to search for Demeter in the desert should not have been as interesting as it was. I was drawn into their story and the different ways they were dying.
What slowed it down for me were the parts with Cassandra and company at school, parties, etc. Other than when Cassandra was having a vision of someone dying/ almost dying these scenes just bored me. Right from the start I didn't like Aidan and when I found out that he was Apollo it all made sense. For whatever reason, no matter what incarnation it is, I have never cared for Apollo. Other than five minutes right at the end, this was no exception. It wasn't that he was a horrible character it was just something about him I didn't like.
Once Cassandra and her small group knew what was going and who was who the story really picked up. It kept my attention right until the end and I couldn't put the book down. I found the battles between Athena and Apollo and then the good versus the bad the most interesting but at the same time adding knew questions that will keep you reading the series.
Overall, I've read a lot of series/books based on Greek mythology and the author was able to write a book that was very different from any I've read before. Athena and Hermes were my favorite right from the start but by the end I was curious to know more about this incarnation of Cassandra. I am looking forward to reading the next book and seeing where the author goes with her story.

The Friday Society - Adrienne Kress

My Thoughts: My first thought when I finished this was "that was entertaining". It's always good when a book makes me feel this way.
There is a character for almost everyone. I found I liked the three girls together as a group rather than any individual one. They all had their strengths and their weaknesses but when they were a group is when they were their best.
This book was more character than story driven. The mystery/ mysteries were typical and you could see where things were going at times. I found myself caring more about what happened to the girls as a whole rather than the "who done it".
Overall, as stated, I found this to be an entertaining read. I would not hesitate to read another book by this author or about these three characters.

SYLO - D.J. MacHale

This is the first time I've read this author and really wasn't sure what to expect. I had seen this book on some other blogs and thought I would give it a try.
Overall, it was an entertaining read. There was enough going on to keep my interest from beginning to end. My favorite characters were probably Tori and then Quinn. They both seemed more sure of themselves then any of the other teens in the story. Tucker has highs and lows throughout the book, which is to be expected considering everything that happens to him. Between the deaths and quarantine and not knowing who he can trust form one problem to the next he reacted as you would expect.
The only thing that brought this down for me was the sense of no resolution. I came away with more questions than answers and I still don't trust half of the group that was together at the end.
I'm curious enough about where the author is taking this story and these teens that I will be checking out the next book when it comes out in 2014.

Styxx - Sherrilyn Kenyon rating:4.5-5
The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle - Christopher Healy rating: 3.5
Huntress - Malinda Lo rating: 3.5
The Tower - Jean Johnson rating: 3.5
Bitter Night - Diana Pharaoh Francis rating: 3.5
The Summer Prince - Alaya Dawn Johnson rating: 3.5
The Testing - Joelle Charbonneau rating: 4.5-5
Masques  - Patricia Briggs rating: 3.5
The Magnolia League - Katie Crouch rating: 3.5
House of Shadows - Rachel Neumeier rating: 3.5
Finnikin of the Rock - Melina Marchetta rating:4.5
The Colossus Rises - Mike Reagan, Peter Lerangis rating: 3.5